Two Months Away From the Federal Solar Tax Credit Decrease Deadline

Solar Federal Tax Credit Decrease

The Federal Solar Tax Credit Decrease is Right Around the Corner

We are now two months away from the Federal Solar Tax Credit decrease deadline — from 26% to 22%. If your company is looking to decrease monthly utility expenses through the installation of a Solar PV System, you have a short window to consider the investment before one of the biggest incentives from the Federal Government decreases. If you are still considering this energy-efficiency project, you need to act now!

Do Solar Systems Have to be Installed Before the End of the Year?

The entire PV system does not have to be installed by year-end to take advantage of this credit. With a commercial property, you can take advantage of the credit as long as you put down a deposit towards a Solar PV system installation. The system will need to be placed in service and ready for use by January 1, 2024.

Now is the time to have those discussions and obtain proposals in order to take advantage of the tax credit before it decreases at year-end.

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